Day: April 11, 2023

Ogden C.A.R.E.S. joins Rarebase!

We have launched our first big research project aimed at uncovering a potential therapeutic for Ogden Syndrome!
Ogden C.A.R.E.S. has officially partnered with Rarebase in an effort to identify an already FDA-approved medication that will benefit our loved ones living with Ogden Syndrome!
Rarebase is already very busy engineering an Ogden Syndrome cell line, so they can begin investigative drug screens, and we are hoping the next year will give us some promising options to further pursue. Specifically, Rarebase is looking for a medication that amplifies the NAA10 protein, which is the deficient protein that causes the symptoms of Ogden Syndrome to manifest. The goal of tackling the root-cause biology of a syndrome is that it would improve symptoms across multiple areas. While there are no guarantees that a viable fit will be found, we are thrilled to be represented in the drug repurposing space and humbled to be in a position to start looking.
To be taking the first pre-clinical steps on the hunt for a treatment option for this community is a dream come true, and it took a lot of hard work and a collective effort to get here. We are especially grateful to Jody Smith, President and Owner of CornerStone Staffing, for her extremely generous donations, without which this dream would still be years away.